Recent guests on The Media Leader podcast have been asked a recurring question: “What makes you passionate about working in media?”. Responses from interviewees revealed similar motivations; a passion for the industry’s dynamic nature and an underlying desire to support quality media.
Ryan Kangisser recently contributed to the podcast, discussing the reaction and impact of the WFA and MediaSense report, the Future of Media Agency Models.
He too was asked this same question and responded with the following:
“It’s always changing and therefore you’re always learning and being exposed to new things. I like the fact that we still haven’t cracked it. The questions we’re asking are in many ways the same questions we’ve been asking for the last few decades, whether it’s about measurement and impact or integration. These are never just set and done. I like that on an academic level. It’s always important to retain a healthy scepticism around our industry. Maybe we do take it too seriously and get sucked into whatever the latest zeitgeist is, but that makes it interesting”.
You can read responses from other industry leaders on The Media Leader’s website.