
With the marketing organisation in a permanent state of change and the growing shift towards in-housing, brands are actively seeking to transform towards new operating models which enable greater agility, self-sufficiency and cost effectiveness.

Our proprietary I/O framework provides a strategic and analytical assessment of an organisation’s internal and external (agency, data and technology) media operating model to determine new models and operating principles which deliver sustained growth and productivity.


fast track

‘Fast Track’ is a targeted programme to address specific tensions to scope the opportunity for transformation, identifying key quick-win opportunities which unlock productivity and value.


‘Chassis’ is a foundation programme designed to create for brands a more robust system of control and governance across the underlying operating model components of data, technology, measurement, capabilities, business rules and partnerships.


‘Transform’ is a core programme, powered by our I/O framework which assesses all elements of the internal and external (agency, data and technology) operating model with a view to developing a more future-proofed operating model.

Key questions we answer

How do we create a future-facing media organisation?

How feasible is in-housing and how do we get there?

What is the optimal agency model which best mirrors our marketing ambitions?

Talk to our team about your media transformation ambitions.

Get in touch

Learn more about the future of operating models in our latest Media 2025 report.

Request your copy