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MediaSense & WFA Launch Study Into ‘Working/Non–Working’ As Brands Seek New Approach

MediaSense, in partnership with the WFA are delighted to launch a new study focused on the evolving use of ‘Working/Non-working’, and how digital transformation is accelerating the impetus to create a new approach and taxonomy.  

The report consolidates insights from some of the world’s largest advertisers and WFA members, providing a perspective on the current use of ‘working/non-working,’ highlighting where there is disparity and confusion.

Particularly apparent was how current approaches fail to align with a shifting and increasingly blurring marketing mix, where emerging channels such as ecommerce, influencer marketing or even gaming do not neatly fit into a working or non-working taxonomy.

The report firmly points to the need and desire for change, with alternative paths put forward for how conventional approaches can be evolved.

Ryan Kangisser, Managing Partner at MediaSense: “The findings in this study are fascinating – particularly in the disparity of approaches utilised, and shared appetite to create something more future-facing in the way advertising and promotional spend is categorised. As the market continues to proliferate and lines become blurred even further, we hope these findings will provide brands with the stimulus to move beyond the convention of ‘working/non-working'”.

WFA members can access the report here.

Non-WFA members can request a copy here.

*Please note the report is for advertisers only*

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